
Welcome to Impact Navigator’s Pilot!


We are excited for you to help us test this new tool.

Thank you so much for testing this new tool with us during Impact Navigator’s pilot phase.

We built this because we know youth wellbeing startups care deeply about creating more positive, safe experiences for young people. We work every day with entrepreneurs building education, health, and social technologies to make the internet a more beautiful place to grow up. But how can we take the next step beyond that commitment, towards implementable practices that tell us if our innovations are having the effects we desire?

That’s where Impact Navigator comes in. This novel framework will help guide you from your value propositions to your adolescent development outcome goals in ways you can observe, track, measure, and ultimately use as meaningful performance insights.

We know this can be complicated work. So wherever you are on your impact measurement journey, you might have some questions about how to use this device, so we’ve provided more information in the How-To Guide.

As always, reach out to us with your additional questions through the site’s feedback button or directly to impactnav@headstreaminnovation.com. We invite your ideas, revisions, requests, and partnership to help build the next iteration of Impact Navigator!